FTA Education Awards
Officers of The Framingham Teachers Association will be giving out numerous awards to Framingham High School Seniors at the Academic Awards Night in May 2024. The FTA Education Awards are given to the children of members of the Framingham Teachers Association who are graduating from high school in 2024 as well as other graduating seniors at Framingham High School. The students must be planning to enter an education program in the fall. The number of awards we can give out is dependent upon the generosity of FTA members and retirees. The application must be submitted to the FTA office no later than March 24, 2025.
The Kevin Flynn Doherty Scholarship
The Kevin Flynn Doherty Scholarship is in memory of Kevin Flynn Doherty, who died in a tragic accident while he was a student at Framingham North High School. Kevin’s mother, Barbara Defino, a teacher at Hemenway School for over 30 years bequeathed the money for this scholarship when she passed away in 2014. The request is that $1,000 be given to a FHS student graduating in 2024 who is a good, caring young person going on to college. Applications are available online as well as in the FHS guidance office and must be submitted to the FTA office no later than March 31, 2025.
The Kevin Flynn Doherty Scholarship Application
Paul V. Thorp Scholarship Award
This education award will be presented by family members for the Paul V. Thorp Scholarship which was established in 2018 to honor a life’s work dedicated to education. It was created to assist students with a desire to enter the field of teaching. Mr. Thorp served as Science Department Head for Walsh Middle School and Framingham High School, and was a member of the Education and Science Dept. at Framingham State University training future teachers until 2017. Throughout a career devoted to the betterment of young people, he began his career in 1968 at Waltham High School teaching Biology and Anatomy & Physiology, where he later served as a headmaster until 1996. He spent four years as principal of Hopedale Junior-Senior High School, taught at St. Louis School in Honolulu, and taught Biology at Ashland High School. Paul strongly believed every student at every learning ability deserved respect and educational opportunity. Paul retired from teaching in June of 2018. The applicant of this scholarship must be graduating from FHS should have a desire to pursue a science or teaching major in higher education. The scholarship in Paul’s memory will be approximately $500. Applications must be submitted to the FTA office no later than March 14, 2025.
Paul V. Thorp Scholarship Application
Nancy Fitzgerald Scholarship
Nancy Fitzgerald was an outstanding Family & Consumer Science Teacher at Framingham High School for 23 years and later became the Department Chair. She was often involved in extracurricular activities. She was frequently a class advisor as well as the advisor to numerous Senior Variety shows that raised money for senior activities. Nancy was well respected by administration, faculty and students. She brought out the best in her students and they showed their appreciation by contacting her throughout her life.
Nancy was passionate about Early Childhood Education and she was instrumental in starting Northside Nursery at then Framingham North High School. Her high school Early Childhood Education students were assistants in the nursery school and some of them are currently teachers in Framingham. Northside Nursery was the beginning of B.L.O.C.K.S. Preschool. (Building Learning Opportunities for Children’s Kindergarten Success)
Applications must be submitted to the FTA office no later than March 18, 2025.